Photo of Elsa Goncalves Venezuela

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Venezuelan-born 31 January 1960

Graduated from the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simon Rodriguez (UNESR) Caracas Venezuela, with the title \"CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION OF WORKS OF ART\" 1980 - 1985.

Studies in art free workshops, public and private schools 1974-1995.

Without completing studies in Philosophy at the Catholic University Andrés Bello, Caracas-Venezuela.1980-1983


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See everything we offer you!
19.69 x 23.62 in
23.62 x 19.69 in
17.72 x 23.62 in
17.72 x 23.62 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
15.75 x 23.62 in
23.62 x 19.69 in
19.69 x 23.62 in
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Photo of Elsa Goncalves Venezuela

Venezuelan-born 31 January 1960

Graduated from the Universidad Nacional Experimental Simon Rodriguez (UNESR) Caracas Venezuela, with the title \"CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION OF WORKS OF ART\" 1980 - 1985.

Studies in art free workshops, public and private schools 1974-1995.

Without completing studies in Philosophy at the Catholic University Andrés Bello, Caracas-Venezuela.1980-1983

My Work

\"It\'s a tribute to the Eternal

Is difficult for me to make a written statement of my creation, I will discuss excerpts from a conversation with an art amateur scientist \"Your ways, your brightly colored canvases that plasmas have a degree of pain, there is sometimes incomplete, mutilated members sometimes atrophied and the limits of those members is magically transformed into other shapes that seem to get the Mutant Universe. \"It is my cry for the Conservation of life!

In the masterpieces, plastic, musical, literary and other, there is always a shady area that escapes the rational apprehension, which penetrates the deepest recesses of the person as a sudden revelation, portable and personal.

My purpose in art is to embody the essence of things secret.

Thank God I\'m this and share my tribute to the Eternal with humanity.

Elsa Goncalves

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